Knutepunkt Special: Tickets & Tees

Since Christine and Larson are at Knutepunkt 2017 to present Zeitgeist and talk about our character creation system, we thought „Hey, how about a special for this occasion?“ And so here it is:
Everyone who orders a ticket from today on until March, 10th, will get the Zeitgeist T-Shirt – that will be sold afterwards for 18 € – for free.
Everyone who orders a Plus-Ticket can choose the color of his Zeitgeist T-Shirt. This will be exclusive for them, because we won’t sell the shirt in different colors.
Oh and of course, everyone who already signed up until now will get a shirt as well! Thank you for getting on board at a time when we haven’t be able to show much yet. We love you!
They will come with a high quality silk-screen print to last forever (or however long you plan to live in Zeitgeist) on fine Fruit Of The Loom T-Shirts. And to show you, how hard it was to come up with the best design, we show you all of Sven’s final design proposals, from which we had to choose the best one – which was a hard choice, the right below one won in a tight race -, here:
So, sign up soon and happy Knutepunkt!